April 18, 2010

"View from Half Moon Farm, Gabriola" oil on linen, 8X10"

I leave for Arizona Wednesday, and will be posting some of my plein air images as soon as I have opportunity, but in the mean time thought I would let you look at one of my favorites from last painting season.  This was painted on a beautiful September morning, with the ocean breeze in my face, and my painting buddies close by.  What pleased me with  this little study is that it turned out so true to the type of sparkling  morning that it was.  Whenever I look at this image, it transports me to the place, almost like a moment frozen in time.  The experience of plein air painting is really growing on me. 

ps  I am holding a plein air workshop in Gabriola in just a few weeks.  If you are interested, please go here: http://www.jupiterranch.com/Workshops.html  

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