January 5, 2014

Seeking Inspiration

"Persimmon and  Friends" oil on panel 6X8"

This small study was done  as a demo during a recent workshop.  As sometimes happens, 
I was feeling no great inspiration so just started working on a few objects that were
close at hand thinking "It doesn't have to be brilliant, just start painting.

As I got into the piece I found myself marvelling at the interesting shapes the green persimmon
leaf created, the lovely subtle color scattered within the shadow areas, the variations of soft and hard edge.  Fun stuff.

I found unexpected beauty that did not reveal itself at first glance....it required my mindfulness, curiosity and effort.

As we head into 2014 my wish for you is that you will find beauty and inspiration in the most unexpected places - which is often where it hides- in your artwork, your relationships, your surroundings,  your daily work.  Seek it and you will find it.

Blessings to you all.


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